12 Strange Male Behaviors That Confuse Women

Strange Male Behaviour

Being a man has its peculiarities. Women might find some male rituals strange, but for many guys – they’re just part of growing up as a boy or just part of being a guy.  Here are 12 male rituals that often have women shaking their heads.

1. Remembering Sports Stats

Many guys can reel off stats about the sports they love without any hesitation. But he will struggle to remember birthdays, anniversaries, names of significant others’ friends, and a litany of other details pertaining to his actual life. Men make it a point to know every insignificant detail of their favorite player or sport.

2. Asking for Directions

Men will roam around directionless, drive around lost for hours and call it an “adventure” rather than ask locals for directions. Even with GPS, city and state maps – they will eventually get lost on a road trip and will never succumb to stop and ask the gas station attendant for directions.

Men are resistant to asking directions because they are less likely to feel lost – and there’s a study that shows how evolutionary biology supports this.

3. Hate Shopping

Men will moan and cry about going to the mall with their partners. For many men, it is the worst thing imaginable to do on a day – following their partner around various stores while they window shop.

It’s why they plop down at the first empty chair they find in the store, showing they would rather be anywhere but here.

4. Not Communicating Their Feelings

Most men will answer the question “What are you thinking?” with a grunt or a simple “nothing”. The reluctance to ever properly communicate their feelings comes from the fact that most men are taught to hide their feelings and “be a man.” It is intrinsic to almost every culture. Men are taught to be emotionless and hard.

5. Squeamish About Bodily Functions

How uncomfortable do some men feel talking about periods? It’s like women can’t mention it without seeing a cringed face. It’s a lack of empathy that can border on insensitivity sometimes.

Men are simply not taught how to deal with this uniquely feminine function. It reflects a cultural discomfort with the topic. The situation is a lot better now in 2023 but still not ideal.

6. Chase After a Woman Fruitlessly

Guys don’t deal with rejection well. Most of the time, they don’t know when it is time to take a step back and give up. Most men have experienced a woman lose interest and then try to chase her even more, not realizing it only pushes her away.

7. Give Their Friends Nicknames

Men will address their friends by almost anything but their first names. They will give their friends weird nicknames and insist on calling them by that for the rest of their lives. One friend is Socks because they wore mismatched socks once in college; another is Robbo when his name is actually Dave. Women simply don’t understand why men refuse to address each other by their actual names.

8. Think They Are the Better Driver

Insurance companies charge young men the highest premiums of any gender or age group for a reason, and it’s not for their superior, accident-free driving skills. Yet the old joke about women drivers still persists. Men will simply not accept the fact that women can be better drivers than them. Insisting he’s the better driver is simply what a man must do.

9. Give “The Nod”

When two men meet on the street, a nod is exchanged—a silent code. For strangers, it’s a respectful, solemn nod downward. For acquaintances, a slightly upward, warm nod, almost a wordless ‘hello.’ Women are not privy to this communication standard that has been established between men.

10. Check if Their Powers Have Awakened

There isn’t a single man in existence who hasn’t tried to bring the TV remote closer by using his mind. Or opened the elevator doors with “the force.” Countless men admit checking if their supernatural powers have awakened regularly.

11. Obsession with the latest gadgets

Men need to own the newest, most expensive tech—even when their existing gadgetry is perfectly fine. It is a behavior that drives the tech industry to release “new” phones every year or the car industry to release new car models every year.

Men will always pine over the latest, shiniest, and newest thing – even when they own a perfectly functional version of it.

12. Sex is the answer to everything

Breakup? Let’s have breakup sex. Patched things up? How about makeup sex. Got a promotion? Celebratory sex. Feeling stressed? Sex should help. Men will do everything in their power to make sure almost every interaction ends in sex. Sometimes a good dinner or a heart to heart is the solution.