5 Interesting Facts about the Mona Lisa

5 Interesting Facts about the Mona Lisa

Whenever we hear about the Mona Lisa, the beautiful painting sketched by Leonardo Da Vinci comes to our mind. It has become so famous that even people not interested in art know all about it. It has also enjoyed its limelight in books and movies and is still captivating the hearts of many.

The mysteries and the secrets linked to it make this painting more attractive. In this article, we will take a look at some of the interesting facts which might be mind-boggling for you. So, let’s dive in.

The Mona Lisa and Identity of its Subject

The Mona Lisa is still a mystery regarding the identity of its subject. One of the theories says that this painting is a self-portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci himself. A few digital tests were run by an artist which showed that Leonardo Da Vinci and Mona Lisa had some common facial features.

Another group of scholars are of the view that it is the painting of a Lady named Lisa del Giocondo whose husband Francesco del Giocondo, a wealthy merchant of Italy, commissioned the painting in order to celebrate the birth of their second son. This has been supported by a note found in the book at Heidelberg which was written by a Florence city official.

Theft of the Mona Lisa Made It an Overnight Sensation

The painting was kept in the Louvre Museum of Paris and it got stolen in 1911. The news of the Mona Lisa going missing grabbed so much attention that it got famous overnight around the globe.

People showed their grief by bringing flowers and notes to the wall where she was hung. It was recovered after searching for two years which brought cheers to the public who were already in love with it.

It is an Unfinished Masterpiece

Scholars and historians believe that it is an unfinished masterpiece as the lady’s eyebrows are missing in the painting. The reason could be the partial paralysis of the right hand of Leonardo Da Vinci, due to which he couldn’t complete it.

Some historians believe that eyebrows were not in fashion at that time. And some experts are of the view that Leonardo must have painted the brows which have faded over the time.

It Is Not Painted On a Canvas

It is not like any other painting that has been created on canvas. Instead, it was made on poplar plank which is a wood medium. Wood was a common medium used at that time.

The Mysterious Smile

Another fact that has added to its popularity is the Mona Lisa’s smile, which has been a topic of debate amongst scholars, neurobiologist, and historians.

Some believe that the lady in the painting suffered from Bell’s palsy, a kind of facial paralysis. The model’s wry smile can be demonstrated through close analysis and modern technology. Bell’s palsy is more prevalent in women who are pregnant or have given birth to a child. So was the case with the subject in the painting.

While some say that when you see the painting directly the smile is not picked but when you look away the smile becomes visible. When one will look into her eyes instead of her mouth, they will notice shadows around her cheeks giving a feeling of expanding smile.

Final Thoughts

The artist has left many things in the painting to ponder upon. He has created a masterpiece leaving many mysteries behind which still need to be unfolded.

The Mona Lisa has been hanging in the Louvre Museum of Paris in bulletproof glass for years. It attracts millions of admirers annually who pay tribute from their hearts to this beautiful piece of art.

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