5 Unknown Facts About Cats

Unknown Facts About Cats

Do you know what your cat is up to when you’re not around? Chances are, they’re up to a lot of mischief. Here are five unknown facts about cats that will give you a better understanding of these curious creatures.

They Have Amazing Hearing

Cats have superior hearing and can hear sounds that are too quiet or high-pitched for humans to hear. This is why you may see your cat’s ears perk up when there’s no apparent noise – they’re picking up on something we can’t.

Their Tail Says a Lot

A cat’s tail is used for balance and communication. If you see your cat’s tail held high, it means they’re feeling confident and happy. However, if their tail is low or between their legs, they may be feeling scared or threatened.

They Use Their Whiskers

Cats use their whiskers to determine the size, shape, and location of objects around them. This helps them navigate in the dark or tight spaces. If you ever trim your cat’s whiskers, be aware that it may throw off their balance.

An Incredible Smell

A cat’s sense of smell is up to 100 times better than a human’s. This is why they’re so fascinated by things like perfume, food, and other strong smells.

A Great Grooming Routine

Cats spend an average of two hours a day grooming themselves. This helps them stay clean and remove any dirt or parasites from their fur. It also serves as a form of social bonding – when cats groom each other, it’s a sign of affection.

Final Thoughts

Do you know any other interesting facts about cats? Share them in the comments below! And if you have a feline friend at home, give them an extra cuddle for us!

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