
How the World Was Changed When Krakatoa Blew

How the World Was Changed When Krakatoa Blew

The German cruiser Elisabeth noticed that there were particles of fumes and ashes ascending into the sky above an abandoned mountainous island. That was in May 1883 and little did they know about the chaos that was about to come. Other ships began to notice the unsettling rumblings coming from the island, whose name was …

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Where Does The Story of ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Come From?

Where Does The Story of ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Come From?

From kids to adults, we all adore the beautiful tale that is Beauty and the Beast, which some believe is the greatest Disney story of all time. Before various adaptations, depictions through films, and animated movies, it was first introduced as a part of a storybook collection published in 1740. However, the much-renowned version of …

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Why is the Statue of David so famous?

Why is the Statue of David so famous?

The statue of David is one of the most iconic Renaissance sculptures, having enduring appeal through the centuries. Michelangelo’s renowned art continues to captivate the imagination and attract visitors to marvel at its artistic sophistication and finesse today, more than five centuries after it was originally commissioned. Why is the Statue of David so famous? …

Why is the Statue of David so famous? Read More »