Five Must-See Sculptures from Around the World

5 Best Sculptures in the World

A great sculpture can stop you in your tracks and make you see the world in a new light. From the ancient to the modern, these five sculptures are some of the best that the world has to offer.

5 Best Sculptures in the World

1. The Venus de Milo (c. 130-100 BCE)

Perhaps the most famous statue in the world, the Venus de Milo was sculpted by Alexandros of Antioch in Greece and is made from carved marble. It depicts the Greek goddess Aphrodite and is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

2. The David (c. 1501-1504)

A masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, Michelangelo’s David is a life-size nude statue of the biblical hero David. Carved from a single piece of marble, it is considered one of Michelangelo’s greatest works and can be seen in Florence, Italy.

3. The Thinker (1880)

Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker is a bronze sculpture that depicts a man lost in thought. Originally part of Rodin’s monumental work The Gates of Hell, it has become one of his most iconic statues and can be found in Paris, France.

4. The Broken Obelisk (1969)

This massive granite sculpture by Barnett Newman consists of two parts: a pyramid-shaped obelisk that rests on the ground, and another obelisk that is broken and lies next to it. It was designed as a memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. and can be seen in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

5. Christ the Redeemer (1931-1932)

Located atop Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Christ the Redeemer is a huge Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ with open arms overlooking the city below. At 98 feet tall, it is one of the largest sculptures in the world and is considered an icon of Rio de Janeiro.

Final Thoughts

These five sculptures are some of the best that the world has to offer. From ancient Greece to modern Brazil, they each showcase the skill and talent of their respective creators. If you ever have a chance to see any of them in person, be sure not to miss out!