How Calisthenics Can Get You Fit Without a Gym

How Calisthenics Can Get You Fit Without a Gym

Calisthenics is a rhythmic workout that is usually done without any equipment. With the correct calisthenics, you can work practically all of your body’s muscles. However, these aren’t the only advantages.

They help to enhance your agility, and flexibility and maintain balance and coordination. Additionally, they also foster aerobic conditioning if well carried out. You can perform calisthenics without paying for a gym membership. 

You can perform all of our suggested exercises three times per week and when performing these exercises, make sure to focus on form rather than how many repetitions you can complete.

Health Benefits of Calisthenics

Calisthenics is beneficial in helping you move easier all day. It helps to improve your mobility and reduces aches and pains. Therefore, decreasing your risk for injuries. It is convenient to do and works by burning calories to improve your long-term health benefits. 

In addition to enhancing your strength, calisthenics is excellent for enhancing your capabilities, speed, balance, and coordination. They can also improve respiratory conditions if carried out correctly.

Can Calisthenics Be Done Every day?

As earlier said, calisthenics is an exercise that works the body’s muscles and aids in significant calorie burning. This gives it the credibility that you may incorporate it into your regular exercise routine. 

However, keeping that in mind, you are not required to train daily. Have in mind that moving is different from training, you must move every day. Simple movements like 20 minutes of handstand practice or 20 burpees might be considered movement exercise hacks.

Does Calisthenics Take A Long Time To Train? 

It is suitable and recommended to have three workouts per week for 6 to 10 weeks. There will be 10-15 exercises in each circuit. With a recovery period of 30 to 90 seconds in between workouts and 2-3 minutes in between laps, the circuit can be completed in two to three rounds.

Three Great Examples To Get You Started

Planks – This is done by facing the floor and raising your forearms and toes into a plank position (begin by bending over at the knees). Put your forearms on the floor and your elbows positioned directly behind your shoulders. 

Ensure that your butt is flat and not protruding into the air or sinking toward the floor as you hold this posture for 60 seconds.  Start with three or four rounds at first. 

Pushups – Get into a full plank position with your body weight on your hands and toes to perform this. Make sure to maintain a flat back and a firm core.

Your elbows should be at a 45-degree angle and your hands should be shoulder-width apart. Push back up after lowering your body to the ground by bending your arms. Work up to one round of 10 to 15 repetitions.

3. Lunges – To perform a lunge, start by standing up straight. Then, place one foot forward until the knee of that leg forms a 90-degree angle with the floor.

The back of your leg ought to be parallel to the ground. Repeat on the opposite side by changing the forward leg back to the beginning position. Take three sets of 15 reps, per leg.

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