How To Improve Your Memory

How to improve your memory

Whether you are a student, employee, or senior, you have probably thought about ways to improve your memory. Maintaining or improving our mental acuity is fundamental for keeping up in our modern, ever-changing society.

Unlike most things, like your favorite sweater or your first car, our brains do not necessarily decline with age. Rest assured that regardless of your current age, there are many ways to improve your memory.

How To Improve Your Memory – 7 Great Tips

1. Exercise Your Brain!

Engage in challenging activities that will stimulate your mind and help with the formation of new neural pathways. Chess, Sudoku and card games are popular ways to keep your mind sharp, however you must keep increasing the difficulty for these activities for it to be truly effective.

2. Get Active

Physical activity improves blood flow to the brain, facilitates the formation of new neurons, and produces hormones that improve our cognitive abilities. Exercise also delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

3. Hit ‘Snooze’ On Your Alarm

Most adults skimp on sleep due to their busy lifestyles, however this is detrimental to their mental performance. It is advised that adults sleep at least 7-9 hours a day for optimum memory consolidation.

4. Prioritize or Form Healthy Relationships

Humans are social animals therefore it should be no surprise that our ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships is important for our mental health and brain function. In fact, frequent social activity can decrease the rate of memory decline.

5. Crack a Joke!

We have all been fed the age-old narrative that people who are serious about life, their jobs, or their studies are often more successful. Instead, it is the ability to let loose and enjoy life that improves brain function. Laughter stimulates multiple regions in the brain, improves learning, and stimulates creativity.

6. You Are as Smart as the Food That You Eat

Unfortunately, with the rise of fast-food restaurants, we have opted for convenience over nutrition. Diets high in sugar and refined carbohydrates have been associated with cognitive decline and reduced cognitive ability.

Instead, prioritize anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. These foods facilitate cognitive function and reduce the risk of memory loss.

7. Try New Methods for Learning Things

Most of us are set in our ways and reluctant to change the way we do the things, however there are many tips and tricks that can help us promote memory storage. Switch up your study locations, group similar concepts together, use mnemonic devices, or use visual aids. This is not a ‘one size fits all’ so you need to experiment with various methods to find one that works for you.

There are many scientific articles online with additional tips and tricks that may help you boost your memory. The human brain is complex and requires consistency to get the results that we seek, therefore I urge everyone to be patient with themselves. Remember: Rome was not built in a day, but the bricks were being laid every hour.