What Did People Do Before Infant Formula Was Invented?

What Did People Do Before Infant Formula Was Invented?

Before infant formula was invented, mothers had to breastfeed their babies or use wet nurses. Although breastfeeding is still the healthiest option for newborns, not every mother can or wants to do it. That’s why infant formula is such a lifesaver for so many families. But what did people do before formula was available? Let’s take a look.

Wet Nurses Were the Original Lactation Consultants

The best substitute for birth mother’s milk was a wet nurse. It is believed that wet nursing began around the year 2000 BC & lasted until the mid-1900s.

Due to the high mortality rate after delivery and the fact that some mothers cannot breastfeed because of their medical conditions, such infant nutrition was extensively adopted. It was considered socially unacceptable to breastfeed in certain communities. Wet nursing, in which the baby is fed by a servant or, unfortunately, an enslaved person, was frequent among the wealthy.

Is Homemade Formula a Good Alternative?

Babies can’t develop properly if they aren’t given the right amount of each nutrient and can’t survive on too less of something either. Whenever families are unable or prefer not to breastfeed, baby formulas may give great nourishment. Human breastmilk includes everything in precise, appropriate proportions.

Homemade infant formulae may appear like a safe, cheap solution to the current formula scarcity, but they pose several health risks. This is hazardous and has even resulted in baby fatalities. A baby’s dietary demands can’t be guaranteed to be met with homemade formula.

The homemade formula might not be hygienic or nutritionally adequate for your infant. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States says that some infants given homemade formula were hospitalized for hypocalcemia (low calcium).

What to Do When You Can’t Find Your Baby’s Specific Formula Brand?

If you cannot get the baby formula, you require various, a few solutions might help you properly feed your youngster till the scarcity subsides.

It can be very frustrating when you can’t find your baby’s specific formula brand. You may have to drive to several stores before you finally find it or order it online. Sometimes, formula companies will stop making a certain brand or change the recipe, which can also be frustrating.

If you can’t find your baby’s specific formula brand, there are a few things you can do. You can try another brand of formula that is similar to the one your baby is used to. You can also contact the formula company and ask if they have any suggestions for where you can find their product. Finally, you can talk to your doctor or pediatrician and see if they have any recommendations.

Final Thoughts

Before bottles and formula were made, wet nursing was the healthiest way to give a child nutrition. Wet nursing was replaced by artificial feeding over time due to the change in society’s norms and the rise of a great alternative in formula milk.

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