What Happens When You Swallow Chewing Gum?

What Happens When You Swallow Chewing Gum?

Chewing gum is made to be chewed and not to be swallowed but sometime you will accidentally swallow it.  If you have ever chewed a piece of gum, there is a chance you have been cautioned not to swallow.

Despite the unharmful results that come from swallowing the gum, there are a few health risk factors that come with doing so. Some groups of people are at high risk of the effects than others. Here is what can happen when you swallow gum.

Your Body Won’t Properly Digest the Gum

The popular chewing gum belief state that when you swallow gum it will stay in your stomach for seven years. But the truth is nothing will remain undigested in your stomach for that long. Just like other consumed food, the gum will pass through your body shortly after it is eaten.

The ingredients in chewing gum include flavoring, sweeteners, preservation, and softener that can be broken down by your digestive system.

Although the gum will not be digested properly because its base cannot be broken down by the digestion process. If you search your stool after swallowing the gum, there is a high probability you will find it intact.

Children Are More Likely To Experience Health Complications

Swallowing too much gum can cause the blockage of the intestine in children especially when they are already experiencing constipation. After swallowing multiple pieces of gum, it will combine and form non-food objects of large masses causing severe pain, vomiting, and constipation.

Adults have a complex digestive system; hence it is difficult to hold the gum for a longer period in the digestive system. It is released out with other consumed food.

When You Should Go To Seek Medication

Swallowing one piece of gum would not cause any problem, but beyond that can cause some complications in the intestines. Due to the blockage that will be formed, anything you will eat after that is not going to get through leading to pain and pressure.

If you accidentally swallow a piece of gum, then there is no reason to see the doctor because it will pass out normally during excretion.

If you have swallowed a lot of gum and you started experiencing symptoms such as abnormal pain, constipation, extreme fullness, vomiting, and severe cramping seek medical attention immediately. It could require surgery to remove it from your digestive tract but this is extremely unlikely.

Is It Best To Spit The Gum Out?

Gum is not a food that needs to be swallowed. The easiest way to avoid internal blockage as a result of gum is not swallowing it at all. Whenever possible spit the gum into the trash.

The Takeaway

If by any chance you swallow a piece of gum, do not be afraid because it almost certainly will not cause any problems. Avoid swallowing the gum in large quantities and if this happens see your doctor to check for intestinal blockage.

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